
We have developed the Back on Track brand to help explain the service to residents.

When contacted by their GP the resident is provided with information about the support that is being offered. We have explained this as a four step process, as you can see on the full service poster here.

Step one: Giving you time and space

Our Back on Track experts will talk to you about any money worries you have. If needed, they can talk to people you owe money to, and can often stop enforcement action for up to 60-days whilst we work with you.

Step two: Sorting out your money

Our experts can help you claim benefits you are entitled to. They can also help get grants, including for essential items such as beds and cookers, especially if these would make it easier for you to cope with your health condition.

Step three: Getting support for better health

Whether you are living with mental or physical health conditions, Back on Track can put you in touch with a wide range of services to help. We can help you work out what support you most need and can put you in touch with the right services for you.

Step four: Back on Track

We’ll check in on you to see how you’re doing. To make sure you can afford your essentials and are coping better. Fewer money worries and the right support for your health condition, now you’re getting Back on Track.

Next Steps

Moving forwards, we will refine the branding and communications following resident feedback and will also be making the materials available to local community based agencies who we will be working with to create a ‘community-led’ pathway to the service.

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